Family Fun RV takes ANYTHING in on trade!

Sep. 23 2022 News By Family Fun RV

It's true - we'll take ANYTHING in on trade! Our staff is empowered to do whatever it takes to help you get into the adventure rig of your dreams - so bring in cars (even if they don't run), bikes, electronics, jewelry, tools - whatever you can think of, we'll make it work! 

Did you know that RV loans can extend to 10, 12, 15 and even up to 20 years? The general rule of thumb on RV financing is that your monthly payment will be approximately $10 for every $1,000 financed ($100 for every $10,000 financed) – and you can usually get an RV loan for as little as zero down (O.A.C.) .  Learn more about RV financing and utilizing RV loan interest as a tax write-off HERE.

*If you're cruising in for our 2022 Model Close-Out Clearance (during the month of September 2022), be sure to ask a sales rep about the Daily Deal - available only in person at the lot - 58209 Columbia River Highway in St. Helens! Shop our 2022 inventory online HERE.

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